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(The SPEC2006 testing dataset results)
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===== Trouble shooting =====
You may encounter errors while executing the SPEC2006, these two are the common error on 32-bits machine.
1. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc':
  The M5 cannot allocate memory from you system. This happens a lot in the 32-bits machine. To make life easier, you need a 64-bits machine.
2. bus error:
  The same as above.
  If you have any questions, please email to M5 Mailing-List or contact Meng-Ju Wu at mjwu@umd.edu.

Revision as of 15:05, 29 September 2008

This is a work in-progress. Everyone should feel free to extend this page with their experiences to help new users get started.

Input sets and Binaries

We can't provide the binaries or input files because of licensing restrictions, but It's not hard to build the binaries by yourself. In this short article, we will share our experiences about what we have done so far.

Build the cross-compiler for alpha machine

Download the crosstool-0.43.tar.gz from http://kegel.com/crosstool and modify these three lines in the demo-alpha.sh :

eval `cat alpha.dat gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.3.6.dat` sh all.sh --notest

Then follow the steps in the crosstool-howto page to build the cross compiler.

Build the SPEC2006 alpha binaries

Install the SPEC2006 from DVD and modify the CC, CXX, and FC in config/alpha.cfg.

For example:
    CC =  /home/mjwu/crosstool/gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.3.6/alpha/bin/alpha-gcc
    CXX = /home/mjwu/crosstool/gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.3.6/alpha/bin/alpha-g++
    FC =  /home/mjwu/crosstool/gcc-4.1.0-glibc-2.3.6/alpha/bin/alpha-gfortran

Then follow the instructions in the ./Docs/install-guide-unix.html to build the binaries

For example:
    runspec --config=alpha.cfg --action=buld --tune=base bzip2

Expand M5 system call functions

Four extra system call functions are needed by SPEC2006. The functions can be modified in:

In m5-stable-mt/src/arch/alpha/linux/process.cc:

 /* 130 */ SyscallDesc("ftruncate", ftruncateFunc),
 /* 144 */ SyscallDesc("getrlimit",  ignoreFunc),
 /* 341 */ SyscallDesc("mremap", mremapFunc<AlphaLinux>),
 /* 367 */ SyscallDesc("getcwd", getcwdFunc),

In m5-stable-mt/src/sim/syscall_emul.hh :

///Target getcwd() handler.
SyscallReturn getcwdFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num,
                               LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc);

//A simple implementation
template <class OS>
mremapFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc)
    Addr start = tc->getSyscallArg(0);
    uint64_t length_old = tc->getSyscallArg(1);
    uint64_t length_new = tc->getSyscallArg(2);

    if ((start  % TheISA::VMPageSize) != 0 ||
        (length_new % TheISA::VMPageSize) != 0) {
        warn("mremap failing: arguments not page-aligned: "
             "start 0x%x length 0x%x",
             start, length_new);
        return -EINVAL;

    if (start != 0) {
        warn("mremap: ignoring suggested map address 0x%x, using 0x%x",
             start, p->mmap_end);

    // pick next address from our "mmap region"
    if(length_old < length_new){
       warn("mremap size  0x%x  %d -> %d",start,length_old,length_new);
       start = p->mmap_end;
       p->pTable->allocate(start, length_new-length_old);
       p->mmap_end += (length_new-length_old);
       start = tc->getSyscallArg(0);

       warn("mremap size  0x%x  %d -> %d",start,length_old,length_new);

    return start;
In m5-stable-mt/src/sim/syscall_emul.cc:

getcwdFunc(SyscallDesc *desc, int num, LiveProcess *p, ThreadContext *tc)
    char pathname[256];
    int path_len = tc->getSyscallArg(1);
    BufferArg path(tc->getSyscallArg(0), path_len);
    strncpy((char *)path.bufferPtr(), pathname, path_len);


    return 0;

Create the SPEC2006 processes for M5 SE mode

A good reference for the correct command line options can be found here: SPEC_CPU2006_Commands.

For your convenience, here is our benchmark python file for the M5 SE mode.


perlbench = LiveProcess()
perlbench.executable =  binary_dir+'400.perlbench_base.alpha-gcc'
perlbench.cmd = [perlbench.executable] + ['-I./lib', 'attrs.pl']
perlbench.output = 'attrs.out'

bzip2 = LiveProcess()
bzip2.executable =  binary_dir+'401.bzip2_base.alpha-gcc'
bzip2.cmd = [bzip2.executable] + [data, '1']
bzip2.output = 'input.program.out'

gcc = LiveProcess()
gcc.executable =  binary_dir+'403.gcc_base.alpha-gcc'
gcc.cmd = [gcc.executable] + [data]+['-o',output]
gcc.output = 'ccc.out'

bwaves = LiveProcess()
bwaves.executable =  binary_dir+'410.bwaves_base.alpha-gcc'
bwaves.cmd = [bwaves.executable]

gamess.executable =  binary_dir+'416.gamess_base.alpha-gcc'
gamess.cmd = [gamess.executable]

mcf = LiveProcess()
mcf.executable =  binary_dir+'429.mcf_base.alpha-gcc'
mcf.cmd = [mcf.executable] + [data]
mcf.output = 'inp.out'

milc.executable = binary_dir+'433.milc_base.alpha-gcc'
milc.cmd = [milc.executable]

zeusmp.executable =  binary_dir+'434.zeusmp_base.alpha-gcc'
zeusmp.cmd = [zeusmp.executable]
zeusmp.output = 'zeusmp.stdout'

gromacs = LiveProcess()
gromacs.executable =  binary_dir+'435.gromacs_base.alpha-gcc'
gromacs.cmd = [gromacs.executable] + ['-silent','-deffnm',data,'-nice','0']

cactusADM = LiveProcess()
cactusADM.executable =  binary_dir+'436.cactusADM_base.alpha-gcc'
cactusADM.cmd = [cactusADM.executable] + [data]
cactusADM.cmd = 'benchADM.out'

leslie3d.executable =  binary_dir+'437.leslie3d_base.alpha-gcc'
leslie3d.cmd = [leslie3d.executable]

namd = LiveProcess()
namd.executable =  binary_dir+'444.namd_base.alpha-gcc'
namd.cmd = [namd.executable] + ['--input',input,'--iterations','1','--output','namd.out']

gobmk.executable =  binary_dir+'445.gobmk_base.alpha-gcc'
gobmk.cmd = [gobmk.executable]+['--quiet','--mode','gtp']

dealII.executable =  binary_dir+'447.dealII_base.alpha-gcc'
dealII.cmd = [gobmk.executable]+['8']

soplex.executable =  binary_dir+'450.soplex_base.alpha-gcc'
soplex.cmd = [soplex.executable]+['-m10000',data]
soplex.output = 'test.out'

povray.executable =  binary_dir+'453.povray_base.alpha-gcc'
#povray.cmd = [povray.executable]+['SPEC-benchmark-test.ini']
povray.cmd = [povray.executable]+[data]
povray.output = 'SPEC-benchmark-test.stdout'

calculix.executable =  binary_dir+'454.calculix_base.alpha-gcc'
calculix.cmd = [calculix.executable]+['-i',data]
calculix.output = 'beampic.log'

hmmer.executable =  binary_dir+'456.hmmer_base.alpha-gcc'
hmmer.cmd = [hmmer.executable]+['--fixed', '0', '--mean', '325', '--num', '5000', '--sd', '200', '--seed', '0', data]
hmmer.output = 'bombesin.out'

sjeng.executable =  binary_dir+'458.sjeng_base.alpha-gcc'
sjeng.cmd = [sjeng.executable]+[data]
sjeng.output = 'test.out'

GemsFDTD.executable =  binary_dir+'459.GemsFDTD_base.alpha-gcc'
GemsFDTD.cmd = [GemsFDTD.executable]
GemsFDTD.output = 'test.log'

libquantum.executable =  binary_dir+'462.libquantum_base.alpha-gcc'
libquantum.cmd = [libquantum.executable],'33','5'
libquantum.output = 'test.out'

h264ref.executable =  binary_dir+'464.h264ref_base.alpha-gcc'
h264ref.cmd = [h264ref.executable]+['-d',data]
h264ref.output = 'foreman_test_encoder_baseline.out'

lbm.executable =  binary_dir+'470.lbm_base.alpha-gcc'
lbm.cmd = [lbm.executable]+['20', 'reference.dat', '0', '1' ,data]
lbm.output = 'lbm.out'

omnetpp.executable =  binary_dir+'471.omnetpp_base.alpha-gcc'
omnetpp.cmd = [omnetpp.executable]+[data]
omnetpp.output = 'omnetpp.log'

astar.executable =  binary_dir+'473.astar_base.alpha-gcc'
astar.cmd = [astar.executable]+['lake.cfg']
astar.output = 'lake.out'

wrf.executable =  binary_dir+'481.wrf_base.alpha-gcc'
wrf.cmd = [wrf.executable]+['namelist.input']
wrf.output = 'rsl.out.0000'

sphinx3.executable =  binary_dir+'482.sphinx_livepretend_base.alpha-gcc'
sphinx3.cmd = [sphinx3.executable]+['ctlfile', '.', 'args.an4']
sphinx3.output = 'an4.out'

xalancbmk.executable =  binary_dir+'483.Xalan_base.alpha-gcc'
xalancbmk.cmd = [xalancbmk.executable]+['-v','test.xml','xalanc.xsl']
xalancbmk.output = 'test.out'

specrand_i.executable = binary_dir+'998.specrand_base.alpha-gcc'
specrand_i.cmd = [specrand_i.executable] + ['324342','24239']
specrand_i.output = 'rand.24239.out'

specrand_f.executable = binary_dir+'999.specrand_base.alpha-gcc'
specrand_f.cmd = [specrand_i.executable] + ['324342','24239']
specrand_f.output = 'rand.24239.out'

M5 python configure file

Here is our system configuration python file for the M5 SE mode.

# Simple configuration script

import m5
from m5.objects import *
import os, optparse, sys
import Simulation
from Caches import *
import Mybench

# Get paths we might need.  It's expected this file is in m5/configs/example.
config_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
print config_path
config_root = os.path.dirname(config_path)+"/configs"
print config_root
m5_root = os.path.dirname(config_root)
print m5_root

parser = optparse.OptionParser()

# Benchmark options

parser.add_option("-b", "--benchmark", default="",
                 help="The benchmark to be loaded.")

parser.add_option("-c", "--chkpt", default="",
                 help="The checkpoint to load.")

execfile(os.path.join(config_root, "configs", "Options.py"))

(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

if args:
    print "Error: script doesn't take any positional arguments"

if options.benchmark == 'perlbench':
   process = Mybench.perlbench
elif options.benchmark == 'bzip2':
   process = Mybench.bzip2
elif options.benchmark == 'gcc':
   process = Mybench.gcc
elif options.benchmark == 'bwaves':
   process = Mybench.bwaves
elif options.benchmark == 'gamess':
   process = Mybench.gamess
elif options.benchmark == 'mcf':
   process = Mybench.mcf
elif options.benchmark == 'milc':
   process = Mybench.milc
elif options.benchmark == 'zeusmp':
   process = Mybench.zeusmp
elif options.benchmark == 'gromacs':
   process = Mybench.gromacs
elif options.benchmark == 'cactusADM':
   process = Mybench.cactusADM
elif options.benchmark == 'leslie3d':
   process = Mybench.leslie3d
elif options.benchmark == 'namd':
   process = Mybench.namd
elif options.benchmark == 'gobmk':
   process = Mybench.gobmk;
elif options.benchmark == 'dealII':
   process = Mybench.dealII
elif options.benchmark == 'soplex':
   process = Mybench.soplex
elif options.benchmark == 'povray':
   process = Mybench.povray
elif options.benchmark == 'calculix':
   process = Mybench.calculix
elif options.benchmark == 'hmmer':
   process = Mybench.hmmer
elif options.benchmark == 'sjeng':
   process = Mybench.sjeng
elif options.benchmark == 'GemsFDTD':
   process = Mybench.GemsFDTD
elif options.benchmark == 'libquantum':
   process = Mybench.libquantum
elif options.benchmark == 'h264ref':
   process = Mybench.h264ref
elif options.benchmark == 'tonto':
   process = Mybench.tonto
elif options.benchmark == 'lbm':
   process = Mybench.lbm
elif options.benchmark == 'omnetpp':
   process = Mybench.omnetpp
elif options.benchmark == 'astar':
   process = Mybench.astar
elif options.benchmark == 'wrf':
   process = Mybench.wrf
elif options.benchmark == 'sphinx3':
   process = Mybench.sphinx3
elif options.benchmark == 'xalancbmk':
   process = Mybench.xalancbmk
elif options.benchmark == 'specrand_i':
   process = Mybench.specrand_i
elif options.benchmark == 'specrand_f':
   process = Mybench.specrand_f

if options.chkpt != "":
   process.chkpt = options.chkpt

(CPUClass, test_mem_mode, FutureClass) = Simulation.setCPUClass(options)

CPUClass.clock = '1.0GHz'

#np = options.num_cpus 
np = 1

system = System(cpu = [CPUClass(cpu_id=i) for i in xrange(np)],
                physmem = PhysicalMemory(range=AddrRange("4096MB")),
                membus = Bus(), mem_mode = 'timing')

system.physmem.port = system.membus.port

for i in xrange(np):   
    if options.caches:
        system.cpu[i].addPrivateSplitL1Caches(L1Cache(size = '64kB'),
                                              L1Cache(size = '64kB'))
    if options.l2cache:
        system.l2 = L2Cache(size='2MB')
        system.tol2bus = Bus()
        system.l2.cpu_side = system.tol2bus.port
        system.l2.mem_side = system.membus.port
    system.cpu[i].workload = process[i]

root = Root(system = system)

Simulation.run(options, root, system, FutureClass)

The SPEC2006 testing dataset results

We use the quard-core Xeon 2.5GHz with 16G memory machine. The operation system is 64bits CentOS 5.2. The timing results are from the simple cpu model and SPEC2006 testing data set.

benchmark datatype language input data number of instructions host seconds comment
400.perlbench integer C attrs.out - - fatal: fault (unalign) detected @ PC 0x12009cedc
401.bzip2 integer C input.program 3171671617 1353.56 o.k.
403.gcc integer C cccp.i - - never end, but o.k. for smaller input
410.bwaves floating Fortran test 119365801487 51703.94 o.k.
416.gamess floating Fortran exam29 - - abormal exit
429.mcf integer C inp.in 5112705810 3386.09 o.k.
433.milc floating C su3imp.in 38027871822 18402.06 output is different with the reference
434.zeusmp floating Fortran zmp_inp 62107158516 27746.77 output is different with the reference
435.gromacs floating C/Fortran gromacs.tpr 10861507208 4457.33 output is wrong, mremap has problem
436.cactusADM floating C/Fortran benchADM.par - - fatal: fault (unalign) detected @ PC 0x120026614
437.leslie3d floating Fortran leslie3d.in 87402135744 41635.96 o.k.
444.namd floating point C++ namd.input 64449976020 26798.88 o.k
445.gobmk integer C capture.tst 494502991 260.29 o.k.
447.dealII floating C++ 8 - - output is wrong
450.soplex floating C++ test.mps 72422927 31.95 o.k.
453.povray floating point C++ test.ini 3597778011 1737.24 o.k.
454.calculix floating point C beampic.inp 251699786 101.04 o.k.
456.hmmer integer C bombesin.hmm 2386768547 997.97 o.k.
458.sjeng integer C test.txt 21682684235 9406.80 o.k.
459.GemsFDTD floating Fortran test.in 11046857318 5289.88 o.k.
462.libquantum integer C 33 5 292639209 111.64 o.k.
464.h264ref integer C foreman_test_encoder_baseline.cfg 154340641371 67426.00 o.k.
465.tonto floating Fortran - - - compile error
470.lbm floating C 100_100_130_cf_a.of 7058506019 4599.69 o.k.
471.omnetpp integer C++ omnetpp.ini 2450821721 1153.36 o.k.
473.astar integer C++ lake.cfg 35796103621 16433.83 output is different with the reference
481.wrf floating C/Fortran - - - STOP wrf_abort. Need library
482.sphinx3 floating C args.an4 9352006427 4011.67 o.k.
483.xalancbmk integer C++ test.xml 501493417 276.77 o.k.
998.specrand integer C 324342 24239 71348559 32.93 o.k.
999.specrand floating C 324342 24239 71348559 32.31.58 o.k.
Trouble shooting

You may encounter errors while executing the SPEC2006, these two are the common error on 32-bits machine.

1. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc':

  The M5 cannot allocate memory from you system. This happens a lot in the 32-bits machine. To make life easier, you need a 64-bits machine.

2. bus error:

  The same as above.

  If you have any questions, please email to M5 Mailing-List or contact Meng-Ju Wu at mjwu@umd.edu.