Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. How can I see the packets on the ethernet link?
    • By creating a Etherdump object, setting it's file parameter, and setting the dump parameter on the EtherLink to it. This is most easily accomplished by setting the enivornment variable -EDUMPFILE=<file>. The resulting file will be named <file> and be in a standard pcap format.
  2. How do I create a disk image?
  3. How do I access reference counted pointers in GDB?
    • Objects such as DynInsts are reference counted, making it slightly harder to obtain the data inside. In gdb you must access them through the pointer that is stored in the ref counted pointer, which is called data. Thus given a ref counted pointer ptr, in gdb you would say ptr->data to get the pointer to the actual object.
  4. How do I build a cross compiler?