Coding Style

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We strive to maintain a consistent coding style in the M5 source code to make the source more readable and maintainable. This necessarily involves compromise among the multiple developers who work on this code. We feel that we have been successful in finding such a compromise, as each of the primary M5 developers is annoyed by at least one of the rules below. We ask that you abide by these guidelines as well if you develop code that you would like to contribute back to M5. An Emacs c++-mode style embodying the indentation rules is available in the source tree at util/emacs/m5-c-style.el.

Indentation & Spacing

Indentation will be 4 spaces per level.

  • Exception: labels followed by colons (case and goto labels and public/private/protected modifiers) are indented two spaces from the enclosing context.

For control blocks (if, while, etc.), opening braces must be on the same line as the control keyword with a space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace.

  • Exception: for multi-line expressions, the opening brace may be placed on a separate line to distinguish the control block from the statements inside the block.

For function definitions or class declarations, the opening brace must be in the first column of the following line.

See examples below:

if (...) {

int exampleFunc(...)

class ExampleClass

In function definitions, the return type should be on one line, followed by the function name, left-justified, on the next line. As mentioned above, the opening brace should also be on a separate line following the function name.

Functions should be preceded by a block comment describing the function.

There should be a space between keywords and opening parentheses; no space between function names and opening parens for arguments; and no space immediately inside parens, except for very complex expressions. Complex expressions are preferentially broken into multiple simpler expressions using temporary variables.

Inline function declarations longer than one line should not be placed inside class declarations. Most functions longer than one line should not be inline anyway.

Lines must be a maximum of 78 characters long.


Class and type names are mixed case, start with an uppercase letter, and do not contain underscores (e.g., ClassName). Exception: names that are acronyms should be all upper case (e.g., CPU). Class member names (method and variables, including const variables) are mixed case, start with a lowercase letter, and do not contain underscores (e.g., aMemberVariable).

Local variables are lower case, with underscores separating words (e.g., local_variable).

C preprocessor symbols (constants and macros) should be all caps with underscores. However, these are deprecated, and should be replaced with const variables and inline functions, respectively, wherever possible.

File structure and modularity

Source files (.cc files) should *never* contain extern declarations; instead, include the header file associated with the .cc file in which the object is defined. This header file should contain extern declarations for all objects exported from that .cc file. When sufficient (i.e., when declaring only pointers or references to a class), header files should use forward class declarations instead of including full header files.

Documenting the code

Each file/class/member should be documented using doxygen style comments. The documentation style to use is presented here: Documentation Guidelines